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Everyone deserves to feel safe and happy.

If something has happened to you or someone else that makes you feel sad then it is good to tell someone about it.

If someone or something is making you feel scared, threatened or distressed, report it to the police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency

What to do if you’re worried about something online

If you are feeling sad or upset, tell someone you trust and feel safe with. They will listen and support you. A person you trust could be your:

  • parent, carer, family member or someone else who cares for you
  • friend’s parent or carer, or a neighbour
  • youth worker, care worker, teacher or another adult in your school, college or club
  • doctor, school nurse or a counsellor

Childline website has lots of advice if you are worried about bullying, gaming or if you need some help to stay safe and happy online. There are videos and fun games to play too. There are lots of ways to contact Childline:

  • Call them free on 0800 1111, Childline don’t record your phone calls and they won’t show up on your parent or carer’s phone bill
  • You can create an account and talk to someone online using 1-2-1 chat.
  • Create an account to email Childline – it’s really quick and easy to do
Block and report the person or content that is making you feel sad.